Wednesday, February 26, 2014

"Get in A Quickie"

Mr. Rico and I complement each other well. I am good about starting something and he is better at finishing it. The other night we were crunched for time so we decided to do a twenty minute WOD at home aka a quickie. My husband got out his handy dandy dry erase marker and started to plan our “workout of the day.” As you can see he wrote the plan on our mirror. He does this often by the way and sometimes I look at the mirror in our bathroom and think I am in the Beautiful Minds movie…got to love him! It does not take much space or equipment to get an effective workout by the way, especially if you do it Con Ganas (with desire)!
The WOD consisted of 5 Pull Ups, 7 Thrusters and 10 Push Ups (they were decline by the way for added oomph!)
We set our phone timer for 20 minutes and repeated the work out without a rest until the 20 minutes were up. I believe we did about 6 to 7 cycles – we lost count after a while. They were the longest 20 minutes ever and they were killer.
We live in a small one bedroom apartment so space is not an issue. As for exercise equipment and furniture used:
·         A pull up bar which is easy to set up and remove
·         A set of dumbbells – pick a good weight that is challenging
·         Workout gloves – nothing fancy is needed. We use cheap leather gardening gloves with the fingers cut off
·         Ottoman – which was used for propping up our feet during the decline push ups
So there you have it. 20 minutes of fun with the one you love.
Added Bonus:
These power workouts are great for endurance and stamina by the way J!
Suffering together through a workout and encouraging one another strengthens your relationship too.
Grab your mate and get in a quickie!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Staying Committed

My husband aka Mr. Rico and I had been working out together as a couple for the past 7 years. And in that time we learned to motivate, encourage and even push one another. Working out with my husband has reaped great gains. Not only are we working on our health and fitness for the purpose of a longer life and quality of life together but through our challenges in improving one’s self we have experience great joy and appreciation for one another.

As we were driving home from our third CrossFit On-Ramp session (were beginners learn basic skills and techniques over 9 sessions to successfully transition into CrossFit) I began reflecting on one of our past goals. Last year Mr. Rico and I were intently watching the CrossFit Games wishing that someday that could be us competing. Then and there we had vowed to one another to try CrossFit in the New Year. We planned to try a few different “Boxes”; which is what CrossFit calls their gyms, before signing on the dotted line. And that we did, we tried a few and found CrossFit Bay Area. Dr. Thea Taylor, owner of CrossFit Bay Area impressed us with her lecture on nutrition and emphasis on technique. We found her to have a good solid, educated foundation in overall wellness. It is refreshing to be surrounded by likeminded people.

Training days have become date nights for us. Our marriage is stronger because of it. I have had to learn to trust my husband in ways I may not have known had it not been for our training together. The pleasure of working out as a couple is not my new discovery. There are at least 5 couples in our box. It is my personal opinion that couples like these will help make for a stronger more united community.

I encourage you to grab your partner and workout together after all a relationship is something we must continually work on in order for it to remain healthy and strong.

Here I am in front of the WOD “Workout of the Day” board.

Here is Mr. Rico practicing the proper technique of a Push Press.